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    • ZZ Top

      Location icon

      Blue Gate Performing Arts Center, Shipshewana, Indiana, United States Flag of United States

      02 April 2025 (Wednesday) 19:30

      Throughout the history of rock music in the US, few bands have ever gotten to the height of fame and respect that ZZ Top has received. The band has redefined the meaning of blues rock and is known to be one of the few bands to stick with their music style throughout their career. Their expertise and passion in music shows through all of their work, and ZZ Top fans respect and love them for this very reason.


      Fans of the group can see them perform on a few different occasions in 2019. The next available date they have set up is on February 1st in Las Vegas. Followed by trips to cities like Helsinki, Hamar, Maxeville, and Cologne, the final date for ZZ Top’s shows is on July 12th in London, Great Britain.


      ZZ Top Background


      ZZ Top was formed in 1969 in Houston, Texas. Surprisingly, the band is one of the very few groups that have stuck with the same lineup of members since their formation. The band members include Dusty Hill, Billy Gibbons, and Frank Beard. The band was the idea of Gibbons, who later came across Hill and Beard through mutual connections.


      When ZZ Top first got started in music, there wasn’t a high demand for blues rock, and they had trouble finding a record label in the US and eventually signed with London Records. Though their first album wasn’t a hit, their second piece of work, Tres Hombres, was the complete opposite. This album really gave the group the attention they needed and got them Top 10 Records recognition.


      ZZ Top’s Greatest Hits


      ZZ Top’s career has spanned several decades, so naturally they have quite a few hits. Some of their most popular songs are “Cheap Sunglasses”, “Legs”, “Got Me Under Pressure”, “Sharp Dressed Man” and “La Grange”.

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