Five Finger Death Punch Tickets & Tour Dates
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Five Finger Death Punch
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Five Finger Death Punch
Túra 2025.
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Five Finger Death Punch, shortened to Five Finger or Death Punch (abbreviated as 5FDP or FFDP), is an American heavy metal band from Las Vegas, Nevada.
The band was formed in 2005, and it's name comes from KungFu cinema. 5FDP originally consisted of vocalist Ivan Moody, guitarist Zoltan Bathory, guitarist Caleb Andrew Bingham, bassist Matt Snell, and drummer Jeremy Spencer.
The band is the recipients of the RadioContraband Rock Radio Awards for "Indie Artist of the Year" in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. 5FDP were also honored with the Radio Contraband Rock Radio Award for Album (American Capitalist) and Song of the Year ("Coming Down") in 2012 and "Video of the Year" for "Wrong Side of Heaven" in 2014.